How To Sell Your Photographs and Artwork Online with Redbubble
In 2015, I found a website called Redbubble. If you haven’t heard of Redbubble it’s a website where you can upload your photography and artwork to your own store and you get paid a commission for when the piece sells. I’ll also be discussing a great book I just read which has, so many resources, tips, and information on how to be successful on Redbubble as well as on other Print On Demand websites. There are so great things about Redbubble, that I truly enjoy, I’ll list them here:
1) It’s 100% Free
The fact that Redbubble is free fantastic. There are no listing fees, shipping fees, etc…
2) Pick Your Selling Price
How Redbubble works is each item has a base price, for instance when selling your photography or artwork on a small 3×4” sticker the base price is $2.08. You can make any percentage of it as your commission, so if you choose a 50% commission than you would make $1.04 for each sticker that’s sold. You can do this for every item on Redbubble. This is important because even though Redbubble does make and ship you item as well as handle the customer service it’s great that you can choose the price you want to make on your items.
3) Google Analytics
Google Analytics is a free program created and hosted by Google where you can see how people are finding your items on Redbubble. This is key because if you are promoting your items on Instagram or Facebook you can see how many people are clicking on your Redbubble store or product link. Google Analytics is also great because you can see the demographics of your audience and if you so choose you can target your photography and artwork towards that market.
4) Easy and Simple Payments
Redbubble pays your commissions every month on or around the 15th of each month. The customer can return the product only before the item has shipped or if there is a problem with sizing in the order. So far I haven’t had any customer return anything if so Redbubble handles all of those things. As far as I know you get paid through verified Paypal account or through your bank account if you are in the US, UK or Australasia. Their payments have been on time which is wonderful.
5) Many Product Options
With Redbubble you can place your photography on 20 or more items. You can sell things from shirts to throw blankets. In my store, I have sold many stickers, a wall tapestry, and some other items as well. I really do like the customization of it all.
6) Helpful Blog Posts
Redbubble has a blog, where they have weekly contests, featured artists and tips on how to be more creative, inspirational tips and how-tos. When going through their blog many times I come up with new ideas for my artwork.
7) Email When You Get a Sale
Whenever you get a sale, Redbubble will email you. You can also find out when you get a sale in your dashboard on Redbubble. This is encouraging because it’s a good feeling when someone appreciates your photography and artwork, that they want to add it into their lives or a life of a friend.
Redbubble is a wonderful site to sell on. It’s simple, free and they give you tools to help to make you a better creator. I have a variety of items on Redbubble from photography, inspirational quotes, and digital art. Here is my store if you want to take a look I hope you have a great time being creative.
Redbubble FAQ:
Merch and the World of Print On Demand
Merch and the World of Print On Demand by Jacob Topping. This is a great resource book for those you just want to start selling their photography and artwork online or who have been doing it for a long time. The reason why I really like this book is the resources and all of the topics he covers. He goes over more than 30 print on demand websites, SEO, marketing, podcasts, resources and so much more. It’s a book that I will definitely reference time and time again. Here’s the link to the book if you want to pick up a copy for you or anyone else you know.

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