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Here are the books I read in January 2024. Also, copied the descriptions of the books so you can know more about each one. Happy Reading!
Regions of Captivity: One of the Most Powerful Ways to Be Delivered By Ana Mendez Ferrell

About the Book:
Ana Méndez Ferrell was saved in 1985 while confined in a mental hospital, after having been a voodoo priestess. The miraculous power of God completely delivered Ana and transformed her into one of His healing generals—destroying the works of evil.
Reaching deep into personal spiritual experiences, Regions of Captivity focuses on where the souls of both believers and unbelievers can be held captive. Based firmly on Scripture and complete trust in Jesus, the emphasis on spiritual warfare and the devil’s schemes—with some graphic depictions and real-life testimonies—exposes lies and reveals God’s truth.
Regions of Captivity encourages you to:
• Establish yourself in heavenly places.
• Appropriate Christ’s victory over bondage.
• Accept the keys to God’s kingdom.
• Believe the prophetic revelation of the Holy Spirit to set yourself free.
• Take Scripture from the mystical realm to practical reality.
Part of your soul may be held prisoner through sin, sickness, fear, or pain. Regions of Captivity teaches the easiest and most effective way of being delivered—through the amazing revelation of the spiritual realm that surrounds you. When you understand the root cause of what is happening, you will break through to total freedom!
Cosmos By A.R. Ward

About the Book:
An alien prowls the corridors of a claustrophobic spaceship. An astronaut floats untethered in the frozen emptiness of deep space. These stories and poems of exactly 100 words explore the terrors beyond the Earth’s atmosphere. From mind-bending existential fears to classic science-fiction horror, you’ll be sure to find something to delight and terrify amongst these tiny tales.
Contributors: Adam Down, Alexis Dubon, Andrew McDonald, Anja Hendrikse Liu, Antonia Rachel Ward, April Yates, Arlo Gorevin, Benjamin Langley, Benjamin Lawrence, Brianna Malotke, Bry White, C.J. Dotson, Caitlin Marceau, Cara Mast, Charles E.P. Murphy, Claire Hunter, Cody Mower, Collin Yeoh, Dale Parnell, Danielle McCabe, Eilidh Spence, Elford Alley, Emilian Wojnowski, Emma K. Leadley, Emma Kathryn, Freddie Åhlin, Fusako Ohki, Gus Wood, Guy Riessen, Helen M. Merrick, Holden Zuras, Isaac Menuza, J.C. Robinson, J.J. Kīmmorist, James Dick, Jameson Grey, Jennifer Canaveral, Jeremiah Dylan Cook, Joe Butler, Joe Scipione, John Lane, Julia Ross, Justin Terry, K. Van Dam, K.J. Watson, Kamome Ashizawa, Kathryn Bea, Katie Young, Kelly White, Kimberley Rei, Kirin Sasa, Kristin Cleaveland, Laura Keating, Laura Nettles, Leeroy Cross James, Leon Lavender, Lindsay King-Miller, M. Lopes da Silva, Marc Sorondo, Marcelo Medone, Mario Aliberto III, Matthew Barron, Meera Dandekar, Micah Castle, Michelle Cook, Myk Pilgrim, Nick Watts, Paige Johnson, Patrick Barb, Patrick Tumblety, Patrick Winters, Paula Hammond, Petina Strohmer, Russell Nichols, S.O. Green, Scarlett Lake, Scott McGregor, Sean Reardon, Serena Jayne, Steve Neal, Toko Hata, Toshiya Kamei, Victor Nandi, Yukari Kousaka, Yuki Fuwa
The Interview By Liz Tuckwell

About the Book:
Melissa’s being interviewed
… for a job she never applied for
… and she doesn’t know the name of the company
The interviewers ask some very strange questions before offering her the job of Junior Executive.
Even stranger – they insist every candidate, whether successful or not, leaves by one of two doors at the end of the offices.
What lies behind the doors?
Something unexpected and supernatural.
You’ll enjoy finding out what it is. Get it now.
Songs of Solomon By Brian Simmons

About the Book:
The book of Song of Songs is an inspired work of art. Breathtaking and beautiful, the sweetest song of all ages unveils the Shulamite’s journey in the form of an anointed allegory. It is a melody sung from the heart of Jesus Christ for his longing bride.
The Holy Spirit has hidden within the Song of Songs an amazing story of how Jesus makes his bride beautiful and holy by casting out her fear with perfect love. Its storyline is full of symbols and subtle art forms, which are often overlooked without interpretation.
Love will always find a language in which to express itself. This revelation sent from heaven is waiting to be received with all its intensity and power to unlock the deepest places of our hearts.
Every part of you is so beautiful, my darling.
Perfect is your beauty, without flaw within.
Song of Songs 4:7
Spaceships Don’t Come Equipped With Rearview Mirrors: 50-Word Stories By Ran Walker

About the Book:
With Spaceships Don’t Come Equipped With Rearview Mirrors, Ran Walker returns with his second collection of one hundred 50-word stories, picking up where he left off with his first collection, The Strange Museum: 50-Word Stories. These new stories of humor, horror, science fiction, romance, literature, and poetic prose illustrate why Walker is considered a master of the form.
Keep It 100: 100-Word Stories By Ran Walker

About the Book:
“Tender and strange, startling and lyrical, witty and nuanced, Ran Walker’s stories lingered in my mind long after I finished reading them. His prose is taut, precise, and economical, but each one of these tiny stories is expansive in the way it enlarges the world through an eclectic mixture of distinctive characters and surprising plots. I’m never quite at ease in a Ran Walker story. And that’s a good thing. He’s a master of the 100-word form.”
– Grant Faulkner, Executive Director of NaNoWriMo and Co-Founder of 100 Word Story
“Ran Walker is a writer’s writer. In Keep It 100, he brings forth so many styles, the reader is virtually assured to experience delight. This book offers a mosaic of lives lived. I will read it again and again and again.”
– Maurice Carlos Ruffin, author of The Ones Who Don’t Say They Love You and We Cast a Shadow
“These stories may be brief, but they are so substantial they get deep down into your bones and bubble up into your thoughts as you move through the day. I’m amazed that Ran Walker can stuff so much meaning and power into so few words, but he does it one hundred times in Keep It 100. He’s just that talented. To paraphrase Ethridge Knight: Making jazz swing in one hundred words AIN’T no square writer’s job.”
– Rion Amilcar Scott, award-winning author of Insurrections and The World Doesn’t Require You
100-word stories. Drabbles. Short short stories. Whatever you call them, they pack quite a powerful punch for such a small size.
In Keep It 100, Ran Walker explores a variety of different genres and themes, from stories inspired by classic literature to stories that tackle current events. Done with the mind of a novelist and the heart of a poet, this collection is sure to resonate far beyond its compact form.
Parts of Speech: 100-Word Stories By Ran Walker

About the Book:
Drawing off a wide assortment of literary and artistic influences, Ran Walker explores the extremely fine line between microfiction and narrative prose poetry using a 100-word framework that stretches the imagination, forcing the reader to consider whether prose poetry is really all that different from its sibling, microfiction.
Fantastic Flash Fiction By Liz Tuckwell

About the Book:
Bite size fantasy & SF stories
How long does a good story need to be?
Ten words? The length of a tweet? 100 words? More?
You’ll enjoy finding out in this collection of very short stories of fantasy, science fiction and horror.
Buy it now.
Daniel By Brian Simmons

About the Book:
The books of Ezekiel and Daniel relate dramatic visions of glory, apocalypse, and ultimate restoration. These revelations comforted the prophets’ fellow Babylonian exiles amid devastating chaos and upheaval.
The book of Ezekiel bursts with vivid descriptions of heavenly visions, strong judgments, and incomprehensible divine love. Through it all, God’s powerful acts of justice and promises of undeserved covenant blessing display his heart for us to know and adore. The book of Daniel recounts timeless stories of heroes exhibiting unshakable faith and integrity amid their culture’s moral and ethical pressures. This extraordinary wisdom encourages and guides us today, while Daniel’s stunning apocalyptic visions provide assurance that God is at work even in the darkness of end times.
We gain wisdom and confidence for today from these accounts of YAHWEH preserving his people in exile and majestically proclaiming his plan for their, and our, redemption.
“You will be my people, and I will be your God. I will save you from everything impure within you.”
Ezekiel 36:28–29
Ruth By Brian Simmons

About the Book:
The books of Joshua, Judges, and Ruth recount the compelling journey of Israel’s beginnings and awe-inspiring history. Watch God’s people transition from wanderers to conquerors as told by The Passion Translation®.
Begin with the book of Joshua, which reveals the secrets of conquest and details jaw-dropping victories and devastating defeats. Then study the rich portraits of the various men and women who distinguished themselves as champions of faith, challenging the status quo in Israel when they had neither a king nor a prophet to lead them. Conclude with the book of Ruth and its enchanting love story. See mercy triumph over judgment, famine lead to harvest, and despair transform into delight.
This triad of Old Testament books reveals God’s sovereignty and assures us that we have the courage to conquer and will overcome the impossible for his good purposes.
Do not yield to fear nor be discouraged, for I am Yahweh your God, and I will be with you wherever you go! Joshua 1:9